# of watchers: 19
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2009-03-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i feel ok
yigami steals a tomato for maria "here ya go and awe 4 kids ^^"
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: *raises a brow*
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles n heads upstairs n checks on kim- kim: -is playin in her crib- hi mommy...hungry and change. me: -laughs n nods- ok then. -changes her diaper n goes downstairs n grabs a bottle for kim- kim: hi everyone....hi daddy...
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: *eats tomatoe whole* ty^^
2009-03-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yigami "hey kim ^^ and welcome"
-noms mai tomatoe-
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: giggle me wil go make dinner! wut yall want 2 eat? *puts aperon on and goes to kitchen*
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: V.V dagger, your not preggers are you?
2009-03-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -raises brow- dont think so ^^ -wags tail-
Yigami laughs "ha more of teh rude claw awakenings" xD
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: kim: -giggles n drinks from bottle n watches maria- me: -smiles-
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: god i hope not ^^
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: wut yall want 2 eat *busys self in kitchen gettin pots and pans out*
2009-03-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yigami shrugs "whatever will do"
-hops out of teh fridge and quickly to teh bathroom-
yigami =D
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: me: -shrugs n smiles at yigami- idc....anythin
2009-03-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yigami smiles back
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: *quickly gets to work and smell come out off kitcen as i cook*
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: *follows after dagger*
2009-03-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -gets sick-
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: me: -takes bottle from kim as she finishes and throws bottle away and burps kim- kim: urp! excuse me. hehe -blushes-
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: *<ding> all done come eat!* giggle this my specialty carne pecada con limon ye salsa de mexco and 4 tha kids sopa de lamb ye chivo!
2009-03-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yigami "wha?"
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: *watches and V.V* damn
2009-03-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [gotta go to work now bbl guys]
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: sorry i get excited wen i cook tat i speak spanish *blushes* um i said i made spicy meat w/limon and chilly 4rom mexico and 4 tha lil un's i made soup of lamb and goat^^ it good and healthy cuz it has veggis in them 2
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: me: -is confused- ok..... kim: eh....
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: sorry i'll make somein else *blushes furously*
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: me: -shakes head- no its fine. i just didnt know what you had said before. ^_^ sounds great. kim: nah...me had milk. ^_^
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: *ok *blushes* smiles enjoy
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: [tay don't die kitteh ^^]
*frowns* your sick
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: me: -fixes plate n sits kim in my lap- lets see how ya like this? ^_^ -feeds her a little- kim: -tries it n swallows it- yummeh!
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: *^.^'* wolvie me not gettin mad but EAT!
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: giggle
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles-
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: ^^
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: ^_^
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: giggle i took out tha bones so no one would get hurt ok
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: [shiome please refer to characters by character names only]
*frowns more*
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: *looks down sadly* ok wolvie srry hinata
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: ish k.) me: -finishes n feeds kim the rest- kim: -eats the rest n smiles at maria- yummy. ^_^
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: *blushes* ty kim u 2 hinata
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: (my name is kimi ^_^ or kimiko n wolvies is david) me: -nods- no problem. kim: welcomes. ^_^
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: *giggle* ok kimi and ok david
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: *sighs and goes and eats a little*
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: *is greatly offended* eat more david it good 4 u me gonna retire k
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: me: -looks at david- you feeling any better after the mess? kim: -sleeps in my arms-
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: bye
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: [hehe I hash joined! >:D] *walks around outside, sort of training*
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: *hello* um loon i thank it is
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: [omg *dances in epic joy :^D]
*shrugs a little* not really no
2009-03-09 [shiome18]: lol
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: [*does the happy dance and gives wolvie another chocolate amazing trophie*]
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: [omg *noms it epicly* and again shiome please use character names here]
*sighs and goes outside*
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [omgz..yayz! hehe] kim: zzzz me: -smiles n passes by loonie outside- oh hi....-sits kim in my lap as i cradle her-
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: [*giggles and pats teh wolvie and teh hinata* hehe :D yaay] *glances behind me at Maria* hmm?
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: [ugh nevermind looni she left -.-] *walks around outside*
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [purrs ^_^] kim: -smiles n sleep- me: -smiles brightly n rocks her gently- who are you?
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: [shiome did?? oopsies lol]
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: [yesh she did ish tay]
*accidently bumps into adia* oh sorry
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: me: -gets up and puts kim in her crib- kim: -sleeps soundly-
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *glances at David* *smiles* Oh, it's not a problem *giggles* [oh haha why did she leavesies??]
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: [i has no clue lol]
*smiles back a little* well i'm still sorry
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: me: -smiles n tucks kim in the walks back outside- oh hello...who are you dear?
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: [oh well lol]
*shakes my head* no need to be sorry, it happens. I should've looked where I was going *giggles*
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: *shrugs* yeah well i should've been two
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -frowns n walks off- i hate being ignored....
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *giggles* well, I'm sorry too. We're both sorry. *shakes her head*
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: [im gonna go shower really quick brb ^^]
*smiles a little* yeah and if you need a place to stay the home's right there
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: [otays! :D]
*glances to my right at the home* oh, thank you! That would be nice...*smiles
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -comes back n sits in tree- -looks down at aida- hi...wanna join me?
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *glances up at kimi* *smiles* well sure! *walks towards the tree* What's your name?
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*sits in the green grass*
Miko:*sits by rai*....
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *glances at Rai and Miko* *waves in a friendly way* there are a lot of people here!
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*smirks and waves back*
Miko:*lays on the floor and sighs* who is the weirdo....
Rai:*shrugs* dont know just being nice
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles- kimi. you? and that kid i was holding is my baby girl kim. ^_^
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *levitates into the tree* my name is Adia *giggle*
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*sighs*
Miko:*falls asleep*
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles n scoots over- nice to meet you aida.
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *smiles* nice to meet you too.
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles n nods- isnt my baby girl cute? you can see her in her crib from up here. its kinda how i keep an eye on her when im outside. ^_^
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*yawns again* -.-
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *smiles* Indeed, she is adorable. *watches through the window*
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles- yigami's the father. ^_^
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *smiles* *tilts my head to the side* who is yigami?
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -laughs- im sorry...you havent met him have you? hes my fiance. ^^ hes the wolf with blue fur. really sweet...(he has a profile thing yigami)
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*sighs* very very boring
Miko: i could agree
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *nods* oh, okay! *giggles* well that's awesome...I'm happy for you.
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles n nods- me too. hes the best. ^_^
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *smiles* how old is kim?
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles- a year old. ^_^
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *nods* Can she walk, then?
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*stands up and walks over to Kim and Adia* hey yo
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *glances down at Rai* Hey! *waves*
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*waves* whats up
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -nods- yep. perfectly. and can talk almost like an adult. ^_^ shes part human, nekko, and wolf. ^_^ -looks at rai- yo!
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*waves at kim*
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: *yawns and keeps walking*
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *giggles* nothing much, how are you doing?
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai: i'm doing fine abit bored missing someone...
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: [welcome back wolvie! ^_^] -smiles- wanna come up? ya can see ur cutie. ^^
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*looks at kim* i guess
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *nods* aww, well who are you missing? [yesh! WELCOMES WOLVIE!!]
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:...someone
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles- shes in her crib sleeping. ^_^ -looks at aida- anj.
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *giggles* Anj? is she your girlfriend?
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: *stops walking when i hear crying, quickly heads back home and goes to my twins then picks them both up and rocks them gently*
[omg thanks ^^ and no the shower didn't take an hour lol i just got distracted]
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: [heehee I was wonderin <.< hahaha although my showers take a long time lol]
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*sighs* -__-
Miko:*sits outside*
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles- sorry....she asked. ^_^
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *giggles* I'm curious.
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: *keeps rocking thw twins gently and smiles softly*
Sylvia goes outside
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Miko:*lays on the grass*
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: Sylvia walks over to Miko, "hey"
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Miko:*waves at her* yo
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: Sylvia smiles and sits by him, "What're you doing?"
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Miko:*sighs* nothing just very bored..how are you feeling?
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles- curiosity killed the cat ya know? ^_^
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *giggles* good thing I'm not a cat *laughs*
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: *walks outside carrying the twins* what's everyone up to?
Sylvia nuzzles Miko gently, "I'm feeling alright"
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:...um yea...*walks away while mumbling*
Miko:*nuzzles back* thats good to hear
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -frowns- well im part cat......-wave
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *smiles at David* Those babys are adorable!
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -nods- beautiful. ^_^
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: *smiles back at adia* thank you they're two of my boys davey and salem, I have another one but he's sick right now
Sylvia smiles, "Yeah?"
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles- want me to go give billy his medicine david?
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: *nods a little and smiles back slightly* yeah if you wouldn't mind i'd appreciate it
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *frowns* that's too bad
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -nods- sure. aida wanna come see him and my baby? ^_^ -hops out of tree- -strokes david and salem's head n smiles- so adorable. ^_^
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Miko:*nods* yea
Rai:*sits by miko*
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: *both twins giggle and i smile at them*
Sylvia kisses miko lightly then smiles at rai, "Hey"
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *nods following kimi* sure, I'd love to!
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Miko:*smiles*
Rai: hey ^^
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles n kisses them on the forehead- ^_^ -walks inside and gets billys medicine n walks to his room- aida...this is billy. hi billy...this is aida. how ya feeling hun? ready for your medicine?
2009-03-09 [Looni Commanda]: *smiles at Billy* *waves* hi *giggles*
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: *rocks them gently then puts them in the outdoor play pen and sets some blankets down on the grass, gently setting them down to crawl*
Sylvia smiles back
Billy looks over tiredly, "Hye aida, I still don't feel relly good kimi and yeah i need my medicins now"
2009-03-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles n gives him his medicine gently- there ya go hun. -kisses his forehead- sleep tight billy dear. ^^
2009-03-09 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*kinda crawls to the twin's*
Miko:*holds sylvia*
2009-03-09 [wolvie]: *watches the twins carefuly*
Sylvia smiles and leans against Miko slightly
Billy nods and takes the medicine, "Thank you"
2009-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles n rubs his forehead n frowns- still a little fever...night sweetie. -leaves- -looks at aida- isnt he precious? ^_^
2009-03-10 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*keeps crawling to them*
Miko:*leans his head on her shoulder and kinda falls asleep*
2009-03-10 [wolvie]: *keeps watching the babies carefully*
Sylvia smiles and holds Miko
Billy yawns and goes back to sleep
2009-03-10 [Looni Commanda]: *nods* all of the kids around here are so adorable...I need to have kids. *giggles* I'll have to get a puppy or something for the time being.
2009-03-10 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*close enough to watch the twin's play*
2009-03-10 [wolvie]: *smiles and turns to werewolf form then nuzzles the twins very gently*
Sylvia smiles
Billy also sleeps
2009-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles n takes aida upstairs to see kim- and this is my baby kim. -picks kim up- kim: mmm...hi....-s
2009-03-10 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*wolf ears and tail appears still watching the twin's and david*
Miko:*keeps sleeping*
2009-03-10 [Looni Commanda]: *smiles at the girl* she's so cute...*waves at her* hello there!
2009-03-10 [wolvie]: *wags my tail lightly, laying down and letting the twins crawl on me*
2009-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: me: -smiles- thanks. hehe...her names kim. but she can tell ya that. kim: ^^ hi! im kim! ^_^ who are you?
2009-03-10 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*smiles*
2009-03-10 [Looni Commanda]: *smiles at her* my name is adia *pats her head* you're a cutie hehe *giggles*
2009-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: kim: -giggles- hiya. ur pretty. ^^ me: aww. ^^ shes such a sweetheart.
2009-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: kim: -blushes- thanky...u r too. ^^
2009-03-10 [wolvie]: *wags my tail and let's the twins crawl on me and pull on my fur*
2009-03-10 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*then sits up and says* your twin's are cute
2009-03-10 [wolvie]: *looks over and smiles* yeah they are
2009-03-10 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*smiles and watches them*
2009-03-10 [Looni Commanda]: *giggles* why thank you...*smiles*
2009-03-10 [wolvie]: *wags my tail and lets the twins do whatever they want to me*
2009-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: kim: -blushes n nods- welcomes. ^_^ -yawns tiredly- mommy...im tired. me: -smiles n puts her in her crib- night angel. kim: night mommy...nite aida. me: -smiles sweetly n tucks her in n walks out- well?
2009-03-10 [Looni Commanda]: *smiles* she's adorable...*gi
2009-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles- i know. ^_^ shes such a sweetheart too. ^^
2009-03-10 [Looni Commanda]: she is a sweetie...a very smart girl, too.
2009-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -nods- yep. ^^ her first word was daddy not dada...but daddy...and she said that a few hours after she was born...
2009-03-10 [Looni Commanda]: Oh my gosh...that's amazing...
2009-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -nods- i know..its surprised me too...and shes excellent at hide and seek and can walk well and talk well...and shes so smart. ^^
2009-03-10 [Looni Commanda]: That's so awesome...she'
2009-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -nods- i know. ^_^ i think shes gonna be a frickin genius when she gets bigger. ^_^
2009-03-10 [Looni Commanda]: *nods* I think she will be too!!!
2009-03-10 [Legendary]: -is asleep inside like the doggie told me-
2009-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles- im so proud of her. ^_^ and yigami is too. ((by the way...wasnt yigami's human form smokin hott?!))
2009-03-10 [Looni Commanda]: ((I AGGREEEEE YESSSS LOL)) *smiles* you should be, she's quite a marvelous girl!
2009-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -nods- i know. ^^
2009-03-10 [Legendary]: -gets up and sneaks outside- finally i dont have a fur ball following me
Fairy: HI NICK
Nick:oh wonderful now your here
2009-03-10 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*looks at nick*....
2009-03-10 [wolvie]: *keeps playing outiside in my werewolf form with my twins*
Charlie growls and pounces nick
2009-03-10 [Legendary]: -Looks at rai- hi...im not here got it
Fairy:but your standing right there
2009-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -smiles n sighs- shes handful though. ^_^
2009-03-10 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*shrugs*
2009-03-10 [Legendary]: Nick:please take the fairy
2009-03-10 [Looni Commanda]: *giggles* Any smart girl would be!
2009-03-10 [wolvie]: Charlie keeps growling, looking very threatening
2009-03-10 [Legendary]: Nick:why are you mad im still here
Fairy:he is cute...-floats down- can i pet him
2009-03-10 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*watches charile and shakes my head*
2009-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -laughs and nods- so true. ^_^
2009-03-10 [wolvie]: *winces slightly when salem pokes my eye* salem easy buddy *davey is busy pulling my tail*
Charlie doesn't reply just keeps growling
2009-03-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: -goes outside- having a spot of trouble i see huh david? haha
2009-03-10 [Legendary]: Fairy:may i?
Nick:i dunno ask him
2009-03-10 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai:*keeps watching then says to daivd* hey dav...your dog is growling
2009-03-10 [wolvie]: *winces a little* salem davey -.- boys your hurting daddy *looks over to charlie and watches curiously*
Charlie just keeps growling
2009-03-10 [Legendary]: Nick:watches charlie- whats wrong with you
Fairy:im scared
2009-03-10 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai: you should go check on him...i'll watch your twin's
2009-03-10 [Legendary]: Nick:Charlie shhhhh
2009-03-10 [wolvie]: *nods a little and starts gently pulling away from the twins then stops and watches*
Charlie snarls and playfully snaps at the fairy then looks at nick, what is your problem? you had me worried sick!
2009-03-10 [¦¥~¿Chrono Crusade?~¥¦]: Rai: never mind...go back playing with your son's *transform back into his wolf form and watches david and his son's play*
2009-03-10 [Legendary]: Nick:oh well -winks gotcha- sorry i didnt tell you
Fairy:he scaring me
2009-03-10 [wolvie]: *nods and goes back to playing with my sons gently*
Charlie nods and jumps off
2009-03-10 [Legendary]: Fairy:?
Nick:-kinda chuckles-
2009-03-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [whats been goin on?]
2009-03-10 [Legendary]: [hey im locked out of the ultimate rpg:origins]
2009-03-10 [wolvie]: [i know i just fixed it, and not alot kitty, im just outside playing with the twins in my werewolf form ^^ nicks getting scarred by charlie thats about it OH and looni joined :D]
*looks over* how does what feel?
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